Today, WordPress. Tomorrow, the world!

As of now, I have launched into the online world of self-promotion. This is a fairly terrifying moment for me, for while I am of the ‘technology generation’, I only first owned a smart phone two months ago and my first forays into Twitter were unfortunately unforgettable. The 140 character limit is not suited to someone of many words.

To follow soon, there will be some short stories, some excerpts of longer stories and – this is the exciting bit – an eBook is in development. I love my Kindle. Currently living in a room more suited to the Borrowers than an above-average-sized woman, I had no space for my beloved books. Now I can carry them all with me in my tiny satchel, wherever I go! And so, while technology is confusing, I am attempting to embrace it wholeheartedly in order to kickstart a new era for Evelyn Rose fiction. Wish me luck. No, really. I need it like a dog needs to chew through the kitchen table leg. What do you mean, they don’t? Ah. Time for puppy obedience classes, I think. (For the dog. Not me. I don’t chew table legs. No, I’m more a digestive biscuit with tea kind of girl).

Tell me your thoughts!